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  • Workday

    For faculty, staff, and student employees

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    News & Updates

    Workday Weekly Spotlight

    As we start our next academic year with the launch of the Fall 2023 semester, we ask that everyone log into Workday this week to confirm their personal information has been correctly entered there. We also continue to share that training sessions for budget managers is coming soon. Please read on for more information.  

    TASK: Confirm Your Personal Information in Workday by August 21st 

    Why is this important? We use your Workday personal information, such as home address and emergency contacts, for sharing important news and documents. When this information is incorrect, it causes confusion and delays. For example, some checks sent to home addresses recently were returned to campus as undeliverable. In some of these cases, home and work addresses were reversed in Workday. If you’ve moved recently, this change could impact your payroll taxes. These are just a few examples of why it’s important to double check Workday and correct any missing or incorrect information if needed. 

    The job aids are available on the Workday Training web site under WORKDAY ESSENTIALS FOR ALL EMPLOYEES > #3. Your Employee Profile and Personal Information.

    COMING SOON! Adaptive Planning Training

    Adaptive Planning training for Budget Managers is being planned for late August or early September. If you have a question or concern about your FY24 operating budget or Adaptive reports that can’t wait until this training takes place, please use the Workday Support and Assistance form available online. 

    Due to vacation schedules this week, responses to budget or Adaptive questions will be delayed until after August 14th.



    Non-Exempt Full-Time & Part-Time (Non-Union) Employees and Student Employees:

    Effective March 18th, you must record your hours worked in Workday and submit them for approval at the end of each pay period!

    The deadline for submitting your time for approval will be every other Friday at the end of your last shift in the pay period. We recommend setting a reoccurring reminder to submit your time every Friday to avoid potentially missing a deadline.  

    The next due date for submitting your time in Workday will be Friday, August 18th. Time approved late will be paid on the next pay date. - please plan accordingly!  

    Supervisors of Hourly Non-Exempt Employees and Student Employees: 

    The next deadline for approving time in Workday will be Monday, August 21st by 9 a.m. Approval deadlines in Workday will be strictly enforced. Time not approved by 9 a.m. the Monday after each pay period will not be processed until the next bi-weekly pay date.

    Visit Workday Training to view the job aids related to time entry and approval if you need assistance.


    Training Information

    Training is now available for all employees. Below is the training schedule for live online and in-person sessions. Stay tuned for more training and drop-in sessions coming soon!
    Note: The links to join and/or register for these trainings were sent via email.